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Hey! I'm Sophie, I'm 22 and live in Leicester.

You can usually find me at a gig in the photo pit or shopping for another new outfit which definitely won't fit in my wardrobe.

Enjoy looking around my blog!

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Tokio Myers, Our Generation Live Review**

I was invited to watch 2017's Britain's Got Talent winner, Tokio Myers, perform at the O2 Academy in Leicester on tour on Friday. I remember watching Tokio's audition on the show that made him famous and being mesmerised. Each week I would tune in just to see what he would bring to the stage.

If you're unaware of who Tokio Myers actually is, he's a born and raised London boy who had a rough past yet was offered a scholarship at the Royal College of Music. He remasters well known tracks by the likes of Ed Sheeran, Rhianna and George Michael. He uses synths and a sample pad as well as his famous pianist skills. By taking an upbeat song, he adds an unusual classical approach to really strip everything back to then kick you with a remix of the songs you all know well.

Recently, Tokio has released his album, Our Generation which went down a treat - being a top fiver. He started his album-titled tour at the beginning of April and when I saw he was touring, I knew I was going to go - even before I was invited!

When I arrived, I did not expect the long line of people that were snaking around the university campus behind the venue. I'm not exaggerating here, the queue was the biggest I've ever seen, and I'm talking about bigger than a queue for one of the doors at a concert in some place like the NIA in Birmingham. This queue was massive and I wasn't sure if we would all fit into the venue.

Much to my surprise, we all did, and the queue had doubled since the time I arrived, so even when I was in the venue, more and more people were still filing in. Kids, elderly people, young people, families, everyone was there.

The support act, Martin Luke Brown, did a fantastic job of warming the crowd up from the cramped area he was stuck in. With just his voice and a keyboard, he silenced the crowd as we all appreciated his music.

Tokio Myers came on stage with an extravagant entrance at 9pm, smoke machines, a big set and plenty of cheering. He basked in the glory whilst standing on his grand piano, whilst me and another member of the press were running around in the pit trying to get at least one decent picture through all the smoke - let's just say, we didn't get one.

As Tokio began to perform, I was blown away (literally since I was stood right next to a fan). I knew to expect something powerful from his performances I'd seen on television, but this was a whole new experience.

He performed some of his songs off of his album and when the beat kicked in the crowed were dancing and getting super hyped up - especially when he jumped off stage to interact with the crowd. Everyone seemed to all have their own personal favourite songs, I enjoyed his tribute to Robert Miles the most.

Watch Tokio's performance over on my channel

The energy at this gig was intense. I was stunned by the overall set up, the lighting, screens, it all. It was phenomenal and electrifying. It really added something extra to Tokio's performance.

Tokio Myers is coming to the end of his tour now but I highly recommend that you go and see him live when you next can. You won't be disappointed!

Until next time...

**I was invited to this gig for reviewing purposes, all opinions are my own. All photos were taken by myself, if you would like to use any, please ask for my permission.


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