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Hey! I'm Sophie, I'm 22 and live in Leicester.

You can usually find me at a gig in the photo pit or shopping for another new outfit which definitely won't fit in my wardrobe.

Enjoy looking around my blog!

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Is Origins Super Spot Remover worth the hype?

Spots are officially the most frustrating thing. I have suffered from acne for over 5 years now and I am fed up of it. I'm back on medication and am cutting out dairy still but somehow I still get spots pop up and boy, are they painful!

I was having a browse on Origins UK's website as I wan…

Sea Girls album review: Open Up Your Head

Sea Girls are one of the *hottest* bands right now and I have been waiting (along with the rest of their fanbase) for their debut album for so long!The indie-rock band from the UK have been putting great music out into the world for years and have just got around to releasing a full-album: Open Up …

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