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Hey! I'm Sophie, I'm 22 and live in Leicester.

You can usually find me at a gig in the photo pit or shopping for another new outfit which definitely won't fit in my wardrobe.

Enjoy looking around my blog!

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Stay at Home Portrait Photography | Shadowplay

Photography is one of my passions; I love being behind the camera, editing and seeing the final photos. My camera is my way of escape, it builds my creativity and allows me to develop my skills. I have no interest in pursuing a career in photography (although I wouldn't mind earning money from …

Working From Home: The Home Truths

Thankfully, digital marketing is thriving in these hard times. Communication has moved online and I'm very thankful that my job is still intact. I'm on day 30 of working from home and let me tell you, it's a lot harder than I thought it would be.

I'm around my family a lot more and …

Welcome to the new era.

It's been a while. Let's start off with hi! My name is Sophie and I'm no longer a student, but a full-time, working women that loves her job. I turned my passion into my career and now run lots of social media platforms, a website and other means of communication for a local company of …

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