The older we grow, the less time we have and as I have found out, the less time we have to sit and read blogs. YouTube is SO much easier. The public don't really want to spend their evenings sitting a reading a blog when they could go onto YouTube and watch a ten minute video when they're cleaning their teeth, making a cup of tea, doing their makeup. Do you see where I'm coming from?
As the generations pass you learn that what they want is quick and easy content, not a 3,000 word blog post. I know I'd much sooner want to see a video on the performance of a new foundation rather than read a blog post about it. That's got to count for something, right?
I love to blog and I blog for me and my own enjoyment. I would completely recommend blogging to anyone, it's a great experience. But if you're blogging in the hope to become the next Zoella then you're heading down the wrong path.
When Zoella began blogging, it was an 'in' thing. The public wanted to read it and she built up a fan base. However, now, blogging is more like a business - you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. There's rarely a comment on any blog that I've been on that has been from someone other than a blogger and that's a real shame.
It's great how we're all supporting each other and I love how the blogosphere is forever growing but is it a medium that is dying right in front of our eyes? Yes, it is.
What are your views on blogging being a dying platform?
Until next time...
Have you read my last post?
What High School taught Me (Or At Least I Thought It Did)
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