For those who don't know what an affiliate link is, it is a link that an influencer will provide you with that uses cookies to track your purchases through a particular website. If you buy something through this website within a certain time period, a percentage of what you've paid will go to the person who provided you with the link.

What frustrates me is the amount of influencers who don't explicitly make their audience's aware of what an affiliate link is. Personally, I don't think a '*' next to the link and a small comment at the end of the post stating that this is an affiliate link is enough. Sometimes the explanation isn't even on the same page. My own opinion is that if an affiliate link is being used, it should be stated clearly at the beginning of each post what happens if you click the link and purchase something.
Most bloggers know what an affiliate link is but the general public probably don't - I sure didn't before I started blogging. I'm all up for supporting small influencers by using their affiliate links but I think the main issue here lies with the larger influencers; reality TV stars, big named YouTubers, Instagram influencers with hundreds of thousands of followers, celebrities. These are the people that are cheating people.
These are the influencers that aren't making their audiences aware that through this link, they are earning money, that if you buy something through this link, you are basically giving them a percentage of what you've just paid. When you think about how many people will click onto this link and purchase something within so many days, that's a lot of money these people are making and what makes it even better, is that those who are buying the product/service aren't aware of this.
Affiliate links are a great way of earning money, especially if you're a smaller influencer like myself. But I don't think that providing a link and earning money through possibly misleading people is right. You have to be careful when using affiliate links that those who are going through them to make purchases are fully aware of your personal gains when they do so.
What are your thoughts on affiliate links?
Until next time...
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The Skincare Routine I Use To Battle My Acne Scarring
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