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Hey! I'm Sophie, I'm 22 and live in Leicester.

You can usually find me at a gig in the photo pit or shopping for another new outfit which definitely won't fit in my wardrobe.

Enjoy looking around my blog!

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Why My Imperfections Make Me Who I Am

Nobody's perfect - Hannah Montana taught me that when I was 10! But then Selena Gomez came along and started asking who said I wasn't perfect and things from then on got a bit messed up. When you're going through a hormonal change, you look at yourself in a different light and begin to start hating things about yourself. In this post, I'll be discussing my imperfections and why they make me who I am.

When I was younger, I was chubby. Like really chubby. Then I went through a period in my life, where I suffered with anxiety and panic attacks, causing me to have problems with my eating habits. From this, I lost a lot of weight. Now, I look back at myself and think about how naïve I was. The things that I was going through, was all in my head and about 5 years ago, I began eating like normal again. This is where I started to put some weight back on and looked a bit healthier than before. 

I think that in the past few years, I look at myself in the mirror and wish that I could go back to the weight, or at least have the figure, like when I was younger. Due to the changes in my life, for example, exams, a change of college, my blog, I stopped being as active as I was. I want to get rid of my muffin top, the back fat that I can't seem to shift, and the double chin that always creeps up on me. Recently, I've been making more of an effort to loose the excess weight by exercising a little more and being more aware of what I'm eating.

At the end of the day, my weight doesn't change who I am. My body doesn't phase me much anymore. I look in the mirror and think about how good I'm looking today rather than how awful I feel and how I need to lose weight and be back how I was. Accepting yourself as who you are is a difficult thing to do, but once you do it, you realise that looks aren't everything.

My personality is another thing that I feel insecure about. The reasoning behind this is that back at my old school, there were very few people that I got on with and the people who surrounded me, used to bully me because of who I was. I'm quite an intelligent person, and no - this isn't me bragging, my grades have proved this to me throughout my life. However, my intelligence and maturity scares people my own age. Friends have admitted this to me before. It's a horrible thought to think that who you are as a person repels people but in no way, shape or form, am I going to undermine myself by making myself come across as dumber than I actually am.

Intelligence is something to be proud of and if people can't accept me for who I am, then they can piss off. It would be degrading to myself if I changed who I was in order to gain a few more friends. From staring at a new college - particularly a creative arts college - I have met so many accepting people and those people make me happy. I now wake up and want to go to college unlike before. People come to me for help as I go to them too.

Your personality is not something that you should change just to fit in. The only thing you should be changing is the people you surround yourself with.

 There are definitely things that I like about myself and have never really disliked, don't get me wrong. I love the colour of my eyes, and the muscles in my legs and my straight teeth that give me a lovely smile. The way that I can hold a conversation with most people or walk into a room full of strangers and make a friend easily. I'm a naturally confident person and love to help others in their time of need. These are the things that outweigh my insecurities when I think about them and they make me believe in myself more.

Of course, I have many other insecurities; I don't like my lips, or the way that I extended the words when I finish a sentence, how even if someone says something harmless, I still seem to take offence and be way too sensitive. But at the end of the day, these things make me who I am and do you know what? I wouldn't change a thing.

What are some of your imperfections?

Until next time...

Have you read my last post?
Hogwarts in the Snow // My Visit to the Harry Potter Warner Bros Studios

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  1. Your beautiful Sophie and you should be so proud of yourself! Everyone is perfect in their own way! Xx

  2. Honestly, this is an amazing post. I am so glad that you appreciate and love yourself, all of us readers love you!
    **I particularly love your jacket, haha!

    Rachel |

    1. Thank you! Haha, it's from Sainsbury's and I think it's still in! x


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