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Hey! I'm Sophie, I'm 22 and live in Leicester.

You can usually find me at a gig in the photo pit or shopping for another new outfit which definitely won't fit in my wardrobe.

Enjoy looking around my blog!

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What Blogging Has Taught Me

Blogging is a tough thing, my friend thinks it's an easy job. But every time I tell him all the work I've got to do in a short space of time, I make him eat his words. I've found out in the past two years that blogging isn't all sunshine and rainbows, although sometimes it seems like it is.

When I first began blogging I was a total newbie, I had no idea what I was doing. Like, at all. But over the years I've slowly learnt the tricks of becoming a successful blogger. Before I really got anywhere, all I thought was that the views would come to me, but that's not the case. I've worked my butt off to get where I am and I won't be stopping anytime soon.

June was a tough month for me especially. I thought that the past year was difficult, juggling school alongside running a blog but nope. My exams took away everything. But after my exams I did a lot of research and work. I changed my blog layout and logo twice, looked into how to get more traffic and tried to find lots of inspiration. I'm super proud to be where I am now and I think I deserve the opportunities that are coming up after all the love I put into One Unique.

There's six things that blogging has taught me. One of them being my work ethic. Blogging has taught me that if you work as hard as you can, good thing will come out of it. It may take a while but you'll get there eventually.

The second thing blogging has taught me is that you can do anything if you put your mind to it. Everyone has the potential to be amazing, you've just got to be passionate about what you want to achieve and never lose sight. I've always set myself big goals and achieved them because I know if I do my best, I will get to where I want to be.

Number three is a hard lesson to learn. Rejection is the worst thing out there, and believe me I've had enough of it. The amount of 'No''s and 'I'm sorry''s that I've heard is unreal. I've dealt with some real idiots as I'm sure every blogger has. But that rejection makes the 'Yes''s so much better. Rejection has now become something that I can brush off easily, my attitude now is that they're the ones losing out. 

This smoothly brings me to my fourth lesson. Getting back on the horse. My mum has taught me this lesson very well and it's so important to have this attitude when blogging. People are always going to try and knock you down, your figures are bound to dip at some points and you may be losing followers just as fast as you were gaining them two months ago. The most important thing is how you deal with that. What are you going to do to make things better?

Said by Michelle Obama
My fifth lesson was learning how to be more diplomatic. I like to let people know how I'm feeling in a situation, I don't like people walking all over me. But by running this blog, I've learnt when to shut my mouth, when to say something and how to say it. I don't believe in sharing my political opinions on here as I could influence yours and I don't believe that is the correct thing to do. When in other situations, that's when I'm not sat in front of my computer screen, I've learnt how to avoid hurting people's feelings, how to give a responsible response and also how to mask my opinion. I think this has been one of the most important lessons for me.

I recently received my results from my GCSEs and I'm excited to tell you that I had improved massively in Enligsh from my mock exams. I can happily tell you that I got a 7 in language and a 9 in Literature! I was stating to slip in English but managed to pull myself up and I found that I started to improve when my blogging style starting to get better. I was worrying about even passing English Language but I can safely say that blogging has taught me how and when to cleverly use specific language devices which is why I think I excelled in my exam. So basically, blogging helped me to pass English.

So blogging has benefited me a great deal and I've learnt a lot from this. What have you learnt from your blog?

Until next time...

Have you read my last post?
Top Pick of The Week - M.O

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  1. Rejection is definitely something you get used too, but I think it's good as now I'm not upset, but more driven when I get a 'no'.

    1. It's so much more exciting when you get a 'no' because you know you're going to try your hardest to do better

  2. This was so interesting to read. Blogging has taught me a lot too. I'd proabbly say the most it's taught me is that it is okay to run things a bit differently; I was always worrying that I was posting too many unrelated topics and that it made everything messy. However, when I thought about it I realised that it's a blog about my life and every part of it. When I realised this it really improved how I made my blog look and feel.

    Abby |

  3. OMG well done on this post, I loved it!! you hit the nail on the head with everything I think. Blogging has taught me a lot too, but I have enjoyed every minute of it. I think there are a lot of people out there that think blogging is all fun and games and its really easy, but the amount of days and nights I have spent working my arse off to create a good post is unreal!

    Sophia xo //

    1. Thank you! Aw, I'm glad you agree with my points. It's such hard work! x

  4. this is a great post and i really enjoy the images you used :)

  5. Blogging has taught me that you get back what you give. If you sit back and expect comments and views to come to you, it won't happen. You need to work hard, interact with others and make room for yourself -- get yourself out there! (Also, congrats on improving so much in your English exams!)
    Juliet |

    1. I totally agree with you! If you work hard enough, you'll get the results you want. And thank you xxx

  6. Hiya
    I am a brand new blogger, currently in year eleven doing GCSE's (omg i'm dying from the amount of homework I'm getting) This was very inspirational and great advice for new bloggers like me!
    If you have time please check out my site as I would love some tips from an experienced and accomplished blogger like yourself.

    Thank you very much xx

    1. Hiya! Oh, good luck! There's so much work involved it's unbelievable! I'll check out your blog, thanks for commenting xx

  7. I've learned a hell of a lot from blogging. Probably one of the best things I've learned is how to express my feelings, and that my opinions and feelings are just as valid and everyone else's.

    Julia // The Sunday Mode


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