I have been mentioning that I went to the Birmingham show of Sounds Live Feels Live so here is my little post about it. I have been promising for ages that I will be making videos of my concerts and I have but I have never thought they were good enough to post. Well, this time I have - I'm not in it but all of my video and awesome pictures are so you should watch that. This post is just going to be a bit about the concert, my experience, the setlist, what I bought, etc.
The Setlist:
Carry On (intro only)
Hey Everybody!
(Talk All)
Don't Stop
Heartache On The Big Screen
Outer Space
Waste The Night
Jet Black Heart
(Talk Calum)
Beside You
(Talk/Interlude Luke)
Catch Fire
(Talk Ashton)
End Up Here
Voodoo Doll
Good Girls
(Talk Michael)
Permanent Vacation
What I Like About You
She's Kinda Hot
She Looks So Perfect
My Experience:
I literally had so much fun, it was unbelievable! I danced so much that I must have lost 3 pounds - speaking of losing pounds, we (me, my mum and my sister) spent £105 on merchandise. Admittedly, we did buy my cousin some birthday presents but still! £105! We made a banner that said 'Take a Permanent Vacation to my house!' - it was so difficult to get past security because of its size, but we did and I am so glad.
Our seats were Block 2, Row A and the view was awesome! The banner attracted all of 5SOS's attention so we got a smile off of each of them. Throughout the night, Luke, Calum and Micheal kept looking over and smiling, at one point I hit my sister in the head and Calum laughed at me. As well as this, he also gestured to me in Beside You!
Okay, fangirl moment over.
Sounds Live Feels Live is one of the best concerts that I have been to. I thought my first concert (5SOS's last tour) was cool but this blew it out of the water. I would definitely recommend 5SOS to see live. It is worth every penny of your money to see these boys, they sing amazingly, interact with everyone, are funny and of course...hot!
I hope you enjoyed the video - I hope there is more to come because I enjoyed it!
Until next time...
Sophie xx
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