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Hey! I'm Sophie, I'm 22 and live in Leicester.

You can usually find me at a gig in the photo pit or shopping for another new outfit which definitely won't fit in my wardrobe.

Enjoy looking around my blog!

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Exclusive Interview With Layla Brisbois

Hi guys! This is an exciting post isn't it!? A few weeks ago on Spotted Sunday, I recommended somebody called Layla Brisbois, now we have a follow up! I have managed to bag an interview with her, I thought that you all might like it, according to the figures on my last interview! I will attach Layla's details at the bottom, alongside her latest single, Shine. Go and show her all our support!


Was music your first career choice?

-Yes. I tried to apply for colleges and do that whole thing but nothing appealed to me like music did. I've never been as passionate about any other career. My dad always told me to "do what you love so you never have to work a day in your life," and music is what I love. So I made the decision to pursue it and I've never looked back.

Who is your musical inspiration?

-This is a tough one. I look up to so many musicians and songwriters that it's hard to pick just one. I love Phil Collins, Pink, Fall Out Boy, Kelly Clarkson, Tim McGraw. There are so so many. I draw inspiration from all genres and artists, I like it that way.

Who would you most want to collaborate with?

-This is another tough one but I think I'd have to go with Shania Twain. She was my first favourite and also my first concert, and her music has always been high up on my list of favourites.

If you could perform anywhere, where would you love to perform?

-The Amway Arena in Orlando, because it's my hometown. This place has been so good to me, I have so much love and support here so it would be awesome to play here knowing so many people I love would be cheering me on in the crowd.

What is your most recently played song on your iPod/phone?

-'Angel Eyes' by the Jeff Healey Band

Can you speak any other language apart from English, if so what and how well?

-I know how to say french fries in Spanish, does that count? Hahaha

Where is your favourite place to eat out and your favourite meal to eat there?

-Any Mexican restaurant with Queso! It's my weakness!

If a movie was made about your life, which actress would you choose to play you? Do you think that they would play you well?

-Melissa McCarthy. Hands down. She'd be perfect.

Tell us an interesting secret about you that nobody else knows. :)

-I sing in the mirror using a hairbrush as my microphone! Haha!

What is your favourite book and why?

-It's a series actually, called Mark of the Lion by Francine Rivers. It's Christian fiction and the events that happen are so unexpected. I read all 3 books in a few days, I was so hooked I couldn't do anything else.

What is your favourite film and why?

-The Rocky movies!!! They're inspiring, motivational, and all about defying the odds and dreams coming true. How could I not love them ;D

Where would you like to see yourself in five years?

-In five years I'd like to be the biggest thing there ever was in the music world. I want the world to know my name.

Any upcoming and exciting news that you can tell us about?

-I have a new single dropping in about a month called 'I'm finally me,' and I am beyond excited! It's going to sound totally different from my first single 'Shine,' and I'm ready to share it with everyone.

And finally, have you got a message for your fans?

-Thank you. From the bottom of my heart thank you. None of this would be possible without the support I get from everyone and I feel so incredibly blessed. The fact that I'm doing what I love and so many others love it is quite possibly the most amazing feeling in the world. My music is my heart and I share it with everyone hoping they'll like it and I am overwhelmed with the love I have received and the support I continue to get.


Thank you Layla for that! I hope your future turns out really well for you! 

Here is Layla's latest single - Shine

You can go and follow her on:
Google +

Any music recommendations are welcome! Don't forget to go and follow me whilst your following Layla!

Until next time...

Sophie xx

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