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Hey! I'm Sophie, I'm 22 and live in Leicester.

You can usually find me at a gig in the photo pit or shopping for another new outfit which definitely won't fit in my wardrobe.

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Look After Your Feet Properly**

When it comes to feet, there's lots of ways we have to keep them healthy. We all want warm and cosy socks, but that red dip in your leg/ankle from the elastic, doesn't always look brilliant, it isn't good for you either. Many people suffer from swollen ankles (especially in hot weather), diabetes, and just general bad circulation, so how do you look after your feet with these issues?

My feet are always cold. No doubt its the thin socks I buy from Primark, it is also down to bad circulation for me personally. My mum suffers from diabetes, she has done since she was a child, so for her, looking after her feet is very important. Sock Shop kindly sent me a pack of their Gentle Grip socks to try out, the first piece of blogger mail my mum ever has received! Obviously, I couldn't go without trying them too so you have a mixed review of them here, from two generations.

This pair aren't the prettiest in my opinion, but that is coming from a teenager, my mum adores them. I actually went into a local shop the other day and came across a lot of other designs that were more acceptable for people my own age. I've left some pictures below, there are also plain coloured socks available on the Sock Shop website. I'm not a big fan of patterned socks so for me, it'll be the plain ones. My mum has actually mentioned how my grandad would love some as he suffers from bad circulation too, so that his Christmas present sorted. I honestly love the Sock Shop and these are definitely good stocking fillers for those who suffer from issues with their feet.

When I first had a look, I was curious about the tops of the socks, where the elastic was, it's long and looked kind of weird. That's down to helping the circulation, they've been made specifically to fit the contours of your leg. So no more nasty red marks that are all bumpy when you run your finger over them. That's seriously not a good look for anyone. Although, it is sort of fun to run your fingers over the affected area, don't be fooled by that though, good circulation in your feet is very important.

I was speaking to my mum earlier about these socks, she was saying that her favourite aspect of them was how warm they kept her feet. The material is so unbelievably soft that they keep your feet so cosy. The socks didn't fall down either, they stayed put which is one of her main worries with socks (I can't speak really, I'm a trainer sock sort of person), except to when it comes to wearing my boots in the snow!

if you'd like to support diabetes, there are so many charities that help. My mums preferred charity is Diabetes UK and it would be great if you could take some time to have a look at that as it is such a massive part of many peoples lives. And please, please, please learn the difference between Type 1 and 2 as I've come across a lot of people that brush everyone with diabetes with the same brush and that isn't always the case. Thank you so much if you do take your time to have a look at their website.

Until next time...

These products were sent, courtesy of Sock Shop and Champions UK PLC, for reviewing purposes.


  1. These look soooo good and comfy! such a useful post for anyone who is interested in these sort of socks. I love that you have added the donating section at the bottom!

    Sophia xo //

    1. They are comfy!! Thank you, I'd like my readers to learn a bit about diabetes and its importance! xx

  2. I love that feeling when you put socks on after a long time of having cold feet. I have to agree with you that these socks don't have the most appealing patterns for younger people, I love to buy new, novelty and fashionable socks so I always think about the colours etc. One day I might try the plain version of these though :)

    Abby |

    1. I have literally just done that! There are some lovely colours in stock, you should definitely give them a go, you feet are so important to look after! x


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