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Hey! I'm Sophie, I'm 22 and live in Leicester.

You can usually find me at a gig in the photo pit or shopping for another new outfit which definitely won't fit in my wardrobe.

Enjoy looking around my blog!

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Bernelie Interview

Hiya guys! So I have a quick interview for you lot!

Bernelie is a new,up coming artist born in Cape Town, South Africa. 

She first started uploading short Instagram videos of her original compositions. This has created quite the following, motivating her to finally release her first single and music video 'Mystical Colours'.

Her music is a blend of alternative pop and folk indie electronica, combining atmospheric synthesizers and emotional vocals.


So you’ve recently released your new music video and single ‘Mystical Colours’. How did you find shooting the video?

In the beginning it was awkward 'cause I've never made a music video before but because I had some seriously talented and down to earth people on set, I actually forgot I was being filmed after a while!

Was there anything in particular that inspired ‘Mystical Colours’?

Well yea, it’s reflecting on past experiences. Some good, some bad. I find myself thinking about things that have happened or things I've done and what effect it had on me and who I am today. It's kinda like an emotion of all that, that inspired the song I guess.

Are you going to be bringing out any more new music anytime soon?

Very soon! This is all a build up to my EP release and currently in studio now recording another song for the upcoming release.

From what age did you start singing and who inspired you?

I started singing at a super young age. As soon as I could talk I think! My mother is a music teacher and classical voice trainer so I was exposed to music since I can remember. I was inspired by her work, her students and the music she played in the house. She used to play the golden oldies like ABBA, BeeGees, Barbara Streisand, Carpenters, Elton John, Michael Jackson, tons of classical music and musicals.

So I grew up with that but the artists that have inspired me in my own time would probably be Enya, The Shins, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Alt-J, Del Shannon, Lana Del Rey, Lorde, Elliot Smith and Kate Bush. Classical composers like Debussy, Bach, Rachmaninoff, Beethoven and Tchaikovsky were my first real inspirations. Movie soundtracks from the Lion King Series, Spirited Away, A Beautiful Mind, Stoker, Ice Age and The Notebook to say the least, and almost every musical ever written! Old school PC and video games also had really interesting music that I would use as fuel for my music.

Was there any point in your life when you stopped singing?

Not really. I used to take part in competitions and sang in the school choir in Primary school but I took a break from all that in high school and started composing my own music and writing lyrics and it took me a long while to build up the courage to finally release my work. So I’ve always been at it. It’s a passion I can’t ignore.

If you had the choice to support someone on their tour, who would you pick?

Lana Del Rey, she's just so inspiring. 

Do you ever see yourself touring around the world?

Definitely! I would obviously love that. I really hope so!

Where would you love to travel to?

That's such a hard question. I'm really into archaeology and ancient structures and anything to do with the ancient world! So I’d love to join a team or archaeologists and do researches around the globe as a hobby but as I said, it’s a hard question. Anywhere that’s surrounded by nature and the ocean.  

And finally, do you have any messages for your fans?

I'm blown away by all the support. To every single person who has shared, liked and followed my music. It means more to me than you know. So THANK YOU for everything! 


Go and check her out and support her guys! She's lovely!

Until next time...

Sophie xx

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