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Hey! I'm Sophie, I'm 22 and live in Leicester.

You can usually find me at a gig in the photo pit or shopping for another new outfit which definitely won't fit in my wardrobe.

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Exclusive Interview With The Half Eight

Hi guys! So this week I have planned an interview with The Half Eight!!!! YAY!! I mentioned them on a Spotted Sunday a few weeks ago if you recognise their name. Speaking of Spotted Sunday, this weeks is going to be pushed back until Tuesday because of the interview. Now, this interview is very special, obvs, because recently the band announced a new drummer, Hugh. This is very exciting news for me and you and the boys because this is one of their first interviews with Hugh, so I hope you enjoy!!! 


For those who don’t know you and your band yet, could you give us a small brief about each of you and how you met?

We all met at school, Ollie (Vocals/Guitar) became friends with me (James - Vocals/Guitar) and we starting song writing together. It wasn’t long before we involved Ollie's brother Charlie (Vocals/Bass) into the whole process. As some of you will know Hugh (Vocals/Drums) is new to the band and the weird thing was that Ollie & Charlie went to primary school with Hugh at a young age. 
- James

So, I have heard you have a little surprise for your fans. Someone called Hugh Boyd. Hugh, what were your first impressions of the boys?
The first day we met we actually went to play crazy golf to get to know each other. Even though I already previously knew Ollie from School we all got on really well! I also beat them all if you wanted to know ha. 
- Hugh

What do you think a new drummer is going to bring to the band?
Hugh has bought a whole new entity into the band. He has a lot of passion and energy in his playing. He is also a song writer so who knows where that could take us. You will be able to see Hugh play the drums when a few new videos are being released. He also brings a lot of laughs into the practice room.
- Ollie

How did you manage to get Hugh to join as the band's drummer?
When we were looking for a drummer to join my mum actually came across an advert on social media from Hugh looking to be in a band which was great. We knew he was the right one straight away.
- Charlie

Now you have a drummer, should we be expecting an album and possibly a small UK tour? I'd definitely come and watch!

We have a few shows this side of Christmas. Next year we intend to release lots of new material for everyone! We have a lot of big stuff coming in January we can’t tell you about yet. Ahh thankyou, we will make sure you get some tickets :)
- James

Who inspired you all to sing?
We all got inspired at young ages from different people. Me, Charlie and Hugh were always into acting shows at young ages where we would sing. Its not been since recent years when I met James that I got into The Beatles which really got me into playing music. We all have different influences from different people whether its musicians ranging from Elvis, The Rolling stones all the way to 5sos and McFly or whether its actors/painters. 
- Ollie

What is your favourite song in the charts at the minute?
That’s a hard one! There are so many awesome songs out at the moment, Adele’s new song is great. But then so many new albums out as well. Think that’s too hard to answer 
- Hugh

I noticed you were at one of 
One Direction’s concerts in London a few months ago, I’m guessing your fans? 
We think what One Direction have achieved over the five years being together is inspirational. Their new album is awesome as  well – if you haven’t got it you should buy it!
- Charlie

Do any of you sing in the shower, if so, what do you sing most often?
Haha well I certainly do. I think it can be anything you don’t really know the words to. It’s a great place for song writing
- James

Since you’re all from Nottingham, I am going to assume at least one of you must support Forrest. Are there any rivalries in the band when it comes to football?
We aren’t all massively into football we all watch the big games. We prefer to play it though or at least try to play. We take an american football around with us wherever we go to keep us entertained. 
- Hugh

Celebrity crushes?
Kate Upton. Doesn’t need anything more saying on that one
- Ollie

Take a selfie of you all to show us your ‘sexiest looks’.

Who is the vainest?
Charlie enjoys looking in the mirror
- Hugh

If you were looking to impress a girl by cooking her something, what would you cook and can you cook it?
I think the only person who would stand a chance here is James. He is the bands chef..
- Ollie 

I think I’d still end up just getting a takeaway….. Its easier!
- James

Speaking of girls, for those viewers who are girls, what are instant turn offs for you?
People who don’t follow us on twitter… , we’d all go on dates with you if you do this. 
- Charlie

Have you got any upcoming and exciting news, involving the band, that you can tell us about?
Keep up to date on all our social media. You will see that we’ve been in studio a lot. We have also been doing loads of filming so cannot wait to show you whats been going on!
- Ollie

And finally, have you got a message for your fans?
Just thank you so much for everyone that supports us, keep watching out and in the new year there’s lots of new things coming! 


They are lovely boys, and as they said, go and follow them on Twitter! There will be another surprise involving the band soon so keep those eyes peeled! Oh! And some of those pictures in there, none of you will have seen before because they are just for this interview and they are their very latest promo pictures which they had done literally the other day. So I hope you enjoyed those AND the interview of course!

Until next time...

Sophie xx

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